Usui Holy Fire® Reiki I
This is the basic course in Reiki and includes one energy-activating attunement along with complete training in the scientific use of the Reiki technique. The student is taught how to pass on the universal energy without depleting his/her own energy supplies. First degree training usually takes one day. Specific instructions are given to the student as to how to apply Reiki energy to themselves, as well as to others who may wish to use it for treating a specific disease or as a preventive or transformative technique. All students receive a manual as well as a certificate upon completion of the class.
Usui Holy Fire® Reiki II
During second degree training, the student receives another attumnement and learns specific techniques for enhancing the flow of energy and for performing “distance” treatments. They are also taught a special method for dealing with deep-seated emotional and mental problems, which can be used with either a physical or distance treatment. Prerequisite: Reiki I. This training usually takes 1 day.
Usui Holy Fire® Reiki Master
The Reiki Master class includes learning additional symbols. working with crystals, learning some additional healing techniques, as well as a very deep; meditation. and learning to give the special placements and ignitions that enable the Reiki teacher to activate the energy in others. Prerequisite: Reiki I, II, and Advanced Reiki Training. This training takes three days.
Holy Fire® Karuna Reiki® Master
The class includes learning the history of Karuna Reiki®, eight additional symbols, many meditations, and more ignitions. Prerequisite: Reiki Master for a minimum of 6 months. This training is a three-day intensive class.
Class sizes are very small (1-3 people), and are scheduled upon request. Larger size classes can be scheduled as well. Please contact me for sponsorship information.
Due to the pandemic, all classes are remote until further notice.
Reiki I: $150
Reiki II: $200
Reiki Master: $850
Karuna Reiki Master: $950
Rev. . Betty Solbjor, Usui Holy Fire® III ReikI Master,
Holy Fire® III Karuna Reiki™ Master; BFRP
Reiki for People and Pets
Waltham, MA 02453